Tuesday, November 27, 2007

All the effects

All the effects

The enormous effects of global warming have been the main concern of the most scientists recently. Some of them think of possible solutions to at least reduce some of the result could be happened in the future, while others believe it’s a natural phenomenon and human beings have nothing to do with it. I will discuss some of the global warming effects in this posting.

There are more than 100 effects of global warming on our earth and lifestyle. One of the most important effects is the greenhouse effect, it’s like an atmospheric shield of gases that traps different gases especially CO2 and methane which contribute efficiency in heating the earth. Another important effect of GW is that sea level is rising and will continue to rise as oceans warm and glaciers melt which means higher storms and more coastal floods and mass of damage along coasts. Moreover, the heavy rains associated can increase the risk of flood and make the situation even worse. Another key aspect is the impact of rising temperature. Almost hundreds of old people die annually because of the heat. People who are suffering from diseases like cancer, skin problems and asthma will have fewer chances to live in the future and will be subjected to sunstroke. In addition, changing weather and rising global temperature might cause forest fires to occur on a larger scale which will automatically increase CO2 and decrease O2 in the atmosphere. On the other hand, the effects of global warming in economic aspect is really massive, for instance climate changing and natural crisis which is caused by global warming could eventually make a big loss or even bankruptcy for insurance industry. On the other hand, the agriculture aspect is significantly harmed by changing climates and reduction in rainfall, which has turned millions of hectares of green land to drought deserts.

301 words

Sunday, November 25, 2007

One Effect ( Effects on weather )

I have discussed previously the effects of global warming; however I would like to talk about one effect which I think is really important. The effect on weather has many other influential serious problems linked to it. Therefore, I am going to discuss the effect of global warming on the weather.

There are many effects influenced and caused by rising heat. One of the serious effects on weather is that an increasing temperature is likely to lead to increase death’s rate because of rising temperature. Moreover, it’s going to increase hurricane intensity, storms and many other natural disasters. As a result of that, many scientists claims that around one milliard people are going to evacuate and emigrate from their own land to other safer places by 2050. Another weather effect is that evaporation will be increased in the future due to warmer oceans and higher temperatures which will cause heavier rainfall. Moreover, the higher temperature is threatening all the iciness and glaciers areas in the word, more than 50% of glaciers and icebergs areas such as Andes, Alps and Himalayas have melted since the end of 19th century. Another key aspect is that rising temperatures are threatening many creatures to vanish and extinct, while it’s forcing others, for instance animals, to move to higher places and mountains where it’s colder and better for them to adapt.

222 words

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

UAE and Global Warming

Comment on UAE newspaper/website articles


This article is talking about the high energy consumption of UAE which is considered to be extraordinary, because it’s more than USA consumption of energy, according to the World Wildlife Fund. The article analyzed the reasons why UAE consumes so much energy and natural resources which assisted in climate changes and global warming creation. One of the main reasons of being UAE high consumer of energy is that depending UAE on oil, as it’s considered one of the oil- rich countries in the world. Therefore, UAE is taking the advantage of oil in many aspects, which help in increasing the emissions of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. Another reason is that UAE is considered a developing country that most of its infrastructure still in process for instance; Dubai’s audacious development in prosperity and construction which make the matter of global warming worse, plus UAE is a multicultural country which consist of more than 180 nationalities that exacerbate the task of global warming resistance. Another noticeable reason of running high energy consumption is that UAE is rich country, and a good life requires huge air-conditioned malls, houses and cars. Moreover, Dubai’s airport is ranking one of the busiest airports in the world. And we all know how aviation contributes in global warming. In conclusion, UAE is required to cut the emissions of carbon dioxide, as the WWF has asked the Emirates government to cut energy use and move toward renewable energy such as solar power viable in one of the world's sunniest climates, because it’s a global phenomenon and each country plays an effective role.

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Thursday, November 15, 2007

Individual Actions

UAE's Role To Reduce CO2

The UAE’s role regarding global warming is very efficient, starting with organizing a number of conferences and symposia in the past with international organizations related to the environment, desert greening and eliminating the effects of global warming and CO2. Nowadays, the UAE is doing a better job toward reducing CO2 levels in the atmosphere.

One of the most important steps that UAE took in consideration of this issue is looking for alternative energy and supporting clean and renewable ones.
Renewable energy solutions, such as wind and solar power, can reduce our reliance on fossil fuel power plants, which is the largest source of global warming pollution in the word. Another important aspect UAE is working on is resisting desertification and building many protected areas which helped in converting all the drought desert to green paradise. Focusing on farming will reduce CO2 levels in the atmosphere and increase O2 dramatically. Additionally, concentrating on producing new paper, glass and metal products from recycled materials saves 70 to 90 percent of the energy and pollution which is a big step on the road to curbing global warming.

In conclusion, the role of the UAE towards the environment has been successful through many evidents such as, the environmental agreements & laws, conferences & exhibitions, projects & programs, plus obtaining a lot of international awards that show how the UAE is taking this issue seriously.

225 words

Monday, November 5, 2007

Some possible solutions to stop global warming

There are some possible solutions People should do to stop global warming. One thing people could do is driving with someone to a place that both are going to. This

minimizes the amount of greenhouse gases put into the air by a car. Another thing is that people should be more careful about leaving things turned on like TV, computer and the lights. This helps our planet out a lot. Now, more people are even riding busses, walking to school, and riding their bikes to lower the amount of greenhouse gases in the air. Planting trees and recycling also helps. If you recycle, less trash goes to the dump, and less trash gets burned. As a result, there are fewer greenhouse gasses in our atmosphere. Watch what you buy. Many things, such as hairspray and deodorant, now are made to have less of an impact on the atmosphere. Less greenhouse gasses will rise into the air, and global warming will slow down.
Finally looking for clean alternative resources of energy such as solar and wind power which will reduce the pollution and gases emit to the air.

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Saturday, November 3, 2007


what i learned during this project
In summary, I have learned a lot of things during this project. In the beginning when I had no clue about what’s global warming, I thought the issue of global warming is like any other issues where scientist and researchers exaggerate so they can attract people’s attention to get financial support from their governments for their researches. However, once I started doing my project I realized how dangerous global warming is day by day. Then I perceived that it’s a serious matter that is created by me in particular and by mankind’s activities in general. The most important benefit that I gained from doing this project is that currently I have enough knowledge about:-

1- What is the global warming.
2- The right terminology of global warming.
3- The main causes of global warming.
4- The main effects of global warming.
5- How to eliminate this phenomenon.
6- How to reduce the CO2 in the atmosphere.
7- Some other possible solutions that could help in global warming resistance.

186 words