Tuesday, November 27, 2007

All the effects

All the effects

The enormous effects of global warming have been the main concern of the most scientists recently. Some of them think of possible solutions to at least reduce some of the result could be happened in the future, while others believe it’s a natural phenomenon and human beings have nothing to do with it. I will discuss some of the global warming effects in this posting.

There are more than 100 effects of global warming on our earth and lifestyle. One of the most important effects is the greenhouse effect, it’s like an atmospheric shield of gases that traps different gases especially CO2 and methane which contribute efficiency in heating the earth. Another important effect of GW is that sea level is rising and will continue to rise as oceans warm and glaciers melt which means higher storms and more coastal floods and mass of damage along coasts. Moreover, the heavy rains associated can increase the risk of flood and make the situation even worse. Another key aspect is the impact of rising temperature. Almost hundreds of old people die annually because of the heat. People who are suffering from diseases like cancer, skin problems and asthma will have fewer chances to live in the future and will be subjected to sunstroke. In addition, changing weather and rising global temperature might cause forest fires to occur on a larger scale which will automatically increase CO2 and decrease O2 in the atmosphere. On the other hand, the effects of global warming in economic aspect is really massive, for instance climate changing and natural crisis which is caused by global warming could eventually make a big loss or even bankruptcy for insurance industry. On the other hand, the agriculture aspect is significantly harmed by changing climates and reduction in rainfall, which has turned millions of hectares of green land to drought deserts.

301 words


Saeed Al_Katheeri said...

Do you think that the global warming will effect the UAE if we didn't reduce the emission of CO2?

Nayef said...

Saeed Al_Katheeri :-

offcourse without any doubts, especially if i tell you that UAE consumes energy and natural resources more than US. One of the main reasons of being UAE high consumer of energy is that depending UAE on oil

thanx for your participation drea,