Sunday, November 25, 2007

One Effect ( Effects on weather )

I have discussed previously the effects of global warming; however I would like to talk about one effect which I think is really important. The effect on weather has many other influential serious problems linked to it. Therefore, I am going to discuss the effect of global warming on the weather.

There are many effects influenced and caused by rising heat. One of the serious effects on weather is that an increasing temperature is likely to lead to increase death’s rate because of rising temperature. Moreover, it’s going to increase hurricane intensity, storms and many other natural disasters. As a result of that, many scientists claims that around one milliard people are going to evacuate and emigrate from their own land to other safer places by 2050. Another weather effect is that evaporation will be increased in the future due to warmer oceans and higher temperatures which will cause heavier rainfall. Moreover, the higher temperature is threatening all the iciness and glaciers areas in the word, more than 50% of glaciers and icebergs areas such as Andes, Alps and Himalayas have melted since the end of 19th century. Another key aspect is that rising temperatures are threatening many creatures to vanish and extinct, while it’s forcing others, for instance animals, to move to higher places and mountains where it’s colder and better for them to adapt.

222 words


Saeed Al_Katheeri said...

Hi Nayef ,
i just want to ask ask you why did you choise the effect on weather ??

and do you think its one of the most effective factor??

KhaLeD Bin DaiBaN said...

i agree with you Nayef, i think the effect on weather is really important.

Nayef said...

Saeed Al_Katheeri :-

yes, i think its very important effect of global warming because the effect on weather causes many other effects linked to it such as rising see levels,hurricans, stormes and emigration for many creatures as its clarified in my post.

thanx for your participation bro,

Nayef said...

KhaLeD Bin DaiBaN:-

I agree with you as well ;p;p

its really important, however, actually most of the students picked the effect on greenhouse so i thought of being unique....(^_^)

thanx for your passing by :-)