Saturday, December 1, 2007

One Cause ( Pollution )

Global warming has many causes that affecting our planet, but in this posting I will chose one cause of global warming which is the effect of pollution and discuss it in more details. In my opinion, this is one of the main causes and most contributing factors in global warming after greenhouse cause, that’s way I have chosen it. Therefore, I am really enthusiastic in showing the serious problems of pollution and how much it’s affecting compared to other causes.

As we all know pollution is created because of many
human beings’ activities. One important cause is the pollution caused by power plants.

Factories burn fossil fuels for the purpose of energy and electricity. Therefore, factories emit carbon dioxide to the air which helps in global warming creation. Another key area is that the pollution caused by transportation. All the kinds of transportation such as cars, buses, trains, motorbike and airplane emit carbon dioxide because of burning the gasoline by their engines which help badly in polluting the weather and creating global warming. Moreover, the pollution is constituted by the smoke of cocking, forest fires and burning our garbage. This sends an enormous amount of greenhouse gasses into the air and makes pollution and global warming worse. Additionally, this kind of pollution increases the CO2 level in the atmosphere and cause more problems. .

226 words


Master of Disaster said...

how can you reduce the air pollution?


Nayef said...

well there are many ways of reducing the air pollution ...

and we can do that by lowering the amount of greenhouse gases in the air such as recycling, planting and looking for cleaner resources like solar and wind energy.

KhaLeD Bin DaiBaN said...

Do you agree with what are the man doing in the second picture? And why?

Nayef said...

KhaLeD Bin DaiBaN :-

even though we need the woods, but i totally disagree because we really need the trees to increase the O2 and decrease the CO2 in the atmospher

thanx for your passing by :-))